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Set in London and Thanet, Witch on the Warpath can be read as a stand-alone novel, or as part of the trilogy, Initially, aimed at young adult/adults, it’s vocabulary is suitable to read to an 8 year old, or give to an 11 year old with good reading skills.
Onk is a city troll living in North London. When he saves the life of an unborn fairy, he attracts the attention and displeasure of the local Heath Witch.
Accepting the friendship and support of Harty Springfield, a tiny elm elf, the two of them navigate across London and head towards the safety of rural Kent.
Gristle is furious at their departure and is keen to seek revenge.
Who will succeed? Onk, in his quest to find the fairy a safe home, or Gristle, who wants to use her magical essence in her spells and potions.
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